There are many clear indicators that our nation has past its zenith and is now in a social, cultural, spiritual, and moral decline.

My Vision for America

It’s not good that at any given time, half of America’s citizens are dissatisfied with their leadership and national direction. Shifting from one extreme to another every four or eight years is not a productive way to operate a nation. The greatest political trend in America is not the growth of the Democratic party or Republican party; it’s the growth of the independent voter, due to their rejection of these two traditional parties. As you read this page, I am drafting my vision for a new political party platform for America, the American Party, that should appeal to the majority of Americans. I do not plan to run for office. I only hope to create a framework for a more constructive political party and unified nation. 

My Vision to Create a More Perfect Union


1.     Americans should be freed to participate in local, self-governance in solving their own problems, rather than delegating such responsibilities to government. Crime-free senior citizens should be leading this effort.

2.     Americans should be sufficiently informed to make wise decisions affecting their lives and the nation.

3.     Americans should be free to actively learn online on demand, with no defined degree program or goal.

4.     All students should be required to learn American history, civics, personal finance, statistics, economics, job interview skills, and character development.

5.     Senior citizens should be empowered and incentivized to root out corruption, waste and fraud, in all areas of government, business, and education.

6.     Political lobbying should be limited to small businesses and individuals, not large corporations that hold sufficient power to maintain themselves, while holding no personal accountability.

7.     Police should be well trained to handle various types of crimes.

8.     Citizens should have sovereign control over their own information.

9.     Parents should be held partially responsible for their children’s behavior until the child reaches age 18.

10.  Voters should be granted the right to vote only after proving a basic level of knowledge of basic issues and candidates and have worked in the private sector for two years or served in the military for two years.

11.  The Constitution should have a balanced federal budget amendment.

12.  Parents should be free to choose the type and source of education for their children.

13.  Individual taxation rates should be based on the social financial burden caused by each individual citizen. Citizens creating a large financial burden on their fellow citizens and society should temporarily pay a higher tax rate than citizens who create a low financial burden, and adjusted annually.

14.  The age for eligibility to run for public office should be raised to ensure mature leaders.

15.  For every citizen right, there should be a commensurate responsibility.



 Ron’s Altered Constitution



We the citizens of the republic of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, and secure Godís blessings of liberty, independence, prosperity and responsibility, to our citizens and their posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution as the supreme and sovereign law for the republic of the United States of America.


This Constitution, and the laws of these United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme and sovereign law of the union, over its citizens, and all parts of its government. The citizens, the executives, legislators, the justices and judges shall be bound thereby, by every word in the Constitution and laws of any state as the text was written.


The federal government of the United States shall provide to every state in this union a republic form of democratic government, and shall protect each of them against invasion, unlawful immigration, or other unlawful entrance, foreign threat, terrorism, crime, or domestic insurrection.


The nation shall manufacture and distribute, transact, and service as a free-market capitalist economy, with gold serving as its national standard, and with minimal government interference, its few necessary regulations and standards being uniform across every state border.  The price of all goods and services shall be determined by the seller, and shall be disclosed to the buyer prior to the purchase.


It is expressly beyond the scope of the governments role, function, and power to promote using public money anything beyond those powers expressly granted to it by this Constitution.

Article I. The Legislative Branch

Section 1. The Congress

All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. Each member of Congress shall be paid a wage in the amount equal to the current mean average wage of the citizens of the nation, and receive benefits in like manner. Members of Congress may not hold any other office during their term.

Congressional committee chairpersons shall be rotated every three years to enable other committee members to take leadership.

Congress and the public shall be granted a minimum of thirty days to review all newly introduced bills and resolutions before voting on them, during which time they shall be placed on the public record to be accessible to the public, and all revisions shall be made public during this period.

The establishment of any government funded account that does not have an expressly designated purpose shall be expressly prohibited or dissolved, and the transfer of any funds from any one government account to another shall be expressly prohibited.

Section 2. The House of Representatives

The House of Representatives shall represent the citizens of the states of one member each per 30,000 legal citizens. They shall be composed of members, half chosen every third year by the citizens of all the established states. All representatives shall have attained to the age of forty years, been a natural born citizen of the United States, and have been a legal resident of their state for at least five years. Their terms of office shall be limited to a maximum of four terms of three years each.


The Congress shall write the laws affecting the nation and its citizens. No law shall be passed by the Congress that does not include the means and dedicated budget to pay for its sustainable execution.

The House of Representatives shall choose their speaker and other officers; and shall have the sole power of impeachment of the federal judges, and other executive office holders.

The House of Representatives shall hold line-item veto power over any legislation that violates the citizens rights by a two-thirds majority.

Section 3. The Senate

The Senate of the United States shall be composed of three senators of each state serving for a maximum of two terms of six years; and each senator shall have one vote. One senator shall be appointed by their respective state governor; one senator shall be elected by their respective state’s General Assembly; and one senator shall be elected by the citizens of their state; the latter shall also serve as the State Treasurer. Senators must have attained to the age of forty-five years, been a natural born citizen of the United States, and a legal resident of that state in which they serve for eight years. The process for choosing Senators shall not be amended.

The Senate shall choose their other officers, and also a President pro tempore, in the absence of the Vice President, or when s/he shall exercise the office of President of the United States.

The Senate shall hold line-item veto power over any legislation that violates their respective stateís rights and shall be overturned by a two-thirds majority.

The Senate shall have the sole power of impeachment of the President, Vice President, Secretary of the Treasury, and the Supreme Court Justices.

Article II. The Executive Branch

Section 1.

The Executive power shall be vested in an Executive Council of five citizen members, consisting of a President, Vice President, Secretary of the Treasury, the leader of the Senate, and the leader the House of Representatives. The President shall receive a wage equal to the mean average national wage. All executive laws shall require a three-fifths executive majority to pass. Each member of the executive council shall be limited to three progressive terms totaling twelve years. The first term of the President shall be limited to two years, the second term limited to four years, and the third term limited to six years. The President, the Vice-President, or the Secretary of the Treasury must be a natural born citizen of the United States. All members of the executive office shall have attained the age of fifty years. The President shall hold veto power per line item.

Section 2.

The President of the Senate shall also serve as executive Vice President. The Vice President shall have no Senate voting privilege, unless the Senate be equally divided. Upon the death of the President, the Vice President shall succeed the office of the President until another President can be duly elected.

Section 3.

The Secretary of the Treasury shall be elected by the House of Representatives and shall be responsible for annually maintaining a balanced, federal budget. Upon failure to maintain such balanced budget, the federal government shall automatically impose, across all departments and agencies, a 2% budget reduction of all items, departments, agencies, etc. in the budget and shall remain in effect until a 2% across the board budget surplus has been attained. This section shall remain unalterable by any means.


Article III. The Judicial Branch

Section 1.

The judicial power of the United States, shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The Supreme Court shall consist of nine justices, who shall serve for a maximum period of one term of twelve years. The number of justices shall remain unalterable by executive order.

Supreme Court Justices and federal judges must have attained to the age of fifty-five years, and has been a natural born citizen of the United States.

Article IV. Public Officers Qualifications, Rights, and Responsibilities

Section 1.


All public officers must publicly swear under oath to remain bound to uphold and live under the Constitution, and all federal, state, and local laws, and by their oath to uphold the laws above their own interests and the interests of their political party and constituents. No religious test shall be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States, nor shall the officers be bound to worship by any particular religion or Christian denomination. Public officers shall retain the right to worship freely as they choose, with their religion and denomination being made publicly known. The required oath for all offices shall include the express acknowledgement that this nation, its Constitution, and its laws are founded and based on Christian biblical laws, principles, and morals.

Section 2.

The terms of all officers shall be limited by the terms set for each of their respective office. To be eligible for any public office, all public officers shall meet the following standard qualifications-


-Is a natural born citizen of the United States, having been born and raised on American soil, never holding primary residency or citizenship in any foreign nation, and being at least a second-generation citizen.

-Shall be of the age required for their respective office.

-Shall have publicly sworn to the oath for their respective office.

-Shall have demonstrated competent experiences in both the private and public spheres of American life.

-Shall have passed an exam to an 80% competency level in each of macroeconomic theory, comparative world political systems, political philosophy, American History, the US Constitution, world history, and American government.

-Shall have demonstrated competency in raising their own personal family and financial budget.

-Shall have demonstrated competency in respectful, constructive, civil discourse with people of various backgrounds, beliefs, and values.

-Shall expressly acknowledge that this nation, its Constitution, and its laws are founded and based on Christian biblical laws, principles, and morals.

Section 3.

All public officers shall be prohibited from serving in any other public office during their term. Public officers shall be prohibited from appointing any family members to any public office. Public officers shall be compensated in the amount equal to the mean average wage of the citizens of those they are to represent.

Citizens running for any public office shall be granted equal amounts of public money to be used expressly for campaign promotion, the amount to be determined annually by the Secretary of the Treasury. Private campaign funds will be expressly prohibited. Equal campaign time and space on public media shall be apportioned to each candidate. Information about each candidate will be gathered and published by an independent agency, who shall be held accountable for any false, biased, or misleading information.


Article V. States and Citizens Rights, Freedoms, and Responsibilities

All rights expressly granted in this Constitution shall not be construed to deny or disparage other rights retained by the states or the citizens. The powers not expressly granted to each of the branches and officers of the federal government by this Constitution, nor expressly prohibited by it to the States, are expressly reserved to the states respectively, and to the citizens.

All federal departments and agencies shall be terminated upon the achievement of their originally commissioned purpose, or upon their failure to satisfactorily justify to Congress their reauthorization every six years. When it can be demonstrated that a function originally commissioned to a public department or agency can be achieved satisfactorily by private agencies, then such private agencies, chosen by the citizens shall replace any and all existing public departments or agencies. All such public departments and agencies that are replaced shall henceforth be dissolved, and their money be returned, in cash form, directly and equally, to the citizens directly affected by the unsatisfactory department or agency.

Section 1. States Rights, Freedoms and Responsibilities


The citizens of each state shall elect a Governor and General Assembly to govern their state for a maximum of two terms of six years. The states, counties, and municipalities have the right to enact their own state laws that are in harmony with this Constitution.

The Executive, Congress, Judiciary, nor the states shall make no law respecting an establishment of any particular religion or Christian denomination, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof by the citizens in the public or private spheres. All government agencies, offices, and employees shall expressly accept the free practices of any and all religions and Christian denominations, and shall not discriminate against any of them. Citizens of all religions and Christian denominations are free to hold any public office, but must publicly and express acknowledge that this American nation is based on Christian biblical laws, principles, and morals.

The Executive, Congress, Judiciary, nor the states shall make no law respecting the abridging of the freedom of truthful speech, or of any other medium or means of public or private communication. Any important published information that is proven by an independent agency to be false shall result in its publisher being fined or losing their right to publish for a period of time.

The Executive, Congress, Judiciary, nor the states shall make no law respecting the right of the citizens to peaceably assemble. Leaders of such assemblies shall be held responsible for the actions of their assembled persons.

The Executive, Congress, Judiciary, nor the states shall make no law respecting the right of the citizens to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

The Executive, Congress, Judiciary, nor the states shall not provide financial support, subsidy, tax credit, or other credit or favor to any particular private business. In cases where a private businesses, corporations, or other organization holds a 38% or greater market share, they shall lose their lobbying and petitioning rights to enable competitors to flourish. Recognizing that competition promotes efficiency, quality, and prosperity, and that public or private monopolies stifle competition, the government shall allow the private markets to operate free of government bias and interference, unless necessary to restrain anti-competitive practices or the distribution of addictive, dangerous, or harmful goods or services.

The states shall be responsible for raising and maintaining their respective state militias, which the federal government shall not be permitted to invade or attack without legally warranted federal authorization.

The states shall allow a county income tax, not exceeding 3%, to be distributed to the local poor and infirm, who demonstrably are unable to work. No state shall impose on its citizens a total tax greater than 7% of the citizen’s total income.

Until January 1, 1808, all slaves and indentured servants shall be excluded from the formula for determining state representation.

Beginning January 1, 1808, all slaves, indentured servants, and other persons held involuntarily to service or labor shall be fully emancipated and free of such binds, that shall no longer exist anywhere within the United States or any place subject to its jurisdiction. Upon becoming American citizens, such persons shall be expressly entitled to all rights, privileges, responsibilities, and immunities of their fellow citizens of their state of the union, including the right to stand, sit, mingle, worship, employ, hire, trade, and vote. They shall be fully counted and represented with their state’s population, and in Congress. No claim shall be acknowledged by the United States nor by any individual states for losses resulting from the emancipation of slaves or for losses suffered from trying to prevent the enslavement or emancipation of the enslaved.


Until January 1, 1808, all slaves, indentured servants, or other persons held involuntarily to service or labor in one State, under the laws thereof, escaping into another state, shall become a free citizen, entitled to all dignities, respect, rights, and responsibilities of all other fellow citizens of their new state of residence.

Beginning January 1, 1805, the states, in partnership with the private sphere, shall begin providing effective and efficient education and skilled training programs to all slaves over age five to prepare them for employment and life as full American citizens.

Beginning January 1, 1788, all slave owners of all the states shall be taxed annually for the ownership and importation of each of their slaves. An importation tax of 5% per each imported slave, and ownership tax of 5% per each owned slave shall be levied, with each tax to be increased by 1% annually until slavery is abolished.

New States may be duly admitted by the Congress into this union. All residents of all newly admitted states shall become citizens of their respective state, and shall possess all the dignity, respect, rights, privileges, responsibilities, and immunities of an American citizen; all newly admitted states shall be expressly prohibited from all forms of slavery, forced labor or involuntary servitude, and indenturement. No new state shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other state; nor any state be formed by the junction of two or more States, or parts of states, without the consent of the legislatures of the states concerned as well as of the Congress.


Lifetime employment and volunteer jobs, offices, and positions in the public sphere at all levels and fields, including government, military, and education shall be expressly prohibited, as well as the status of tenure.


All men and women who are valid American citizens, shall be expressly entitled to all rights, privileges, responsibilities, and immunities of their fellow citizens of their state of the union, including the right to stand, sit, mingle, worship, employ, hire, and trade. They shall be fully counted and represented with their state’s population, and in Congress.

All citizens of the states shall be required to display valid proof of identity, status, and citizenship at no cost in order to be eligible to vote in all public elections. All voting must be conducted in person at designated public voting stations that are conveniently accessible to all citizens. Citizens shall be provided complete safety and privacy when casting their votes.

 All debts contracted and engagements entered into, before the adoption of this Constitution, shall remain as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the previous Articles of Confederation. All valid debts shall be paid in full by January 1, 1813, upon which the federal government, states, counties, and municipalities shall be required to annually maintain a balanced budget.

Congress’ power to regulate commerce shall be limited to that which extends across any state borders, and impedes interstate commerce, and shall be expressly prohibited from interfering with internal state commerce. No public or private establishment shall conduct discriminatory practices on the basis of geographic, political, religious, gender, or racial status.

No state shall pass any law which abridges the privileges or immunities belonging to the citizens of any other state of the United States. The states are responsible for complying with all federally established laws, and ensuring their citizens comply with all established state laws. For dutiful compliance with all federal laws and regulations, the states shall receive a limited, annual federal credit to be expressly applied appropriately to their state budgets, which shall be balanced annually. Failure to comply with all federal laws and regulations, federal credits may be withheld commensurately to the offending states until compliance is attained.

Section. 2. Citizens Rights, Freedoms, and Responsibilities

All persons born or legally naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are hereby declared to be citizens of the United States, and of the state wherein they reside. Congress and the states shall grant the privilege of citizenship to foreign-born persons based on the individual applicant’s proven merit, to include their character, education, skill, and ability to provide a measurable benefit to American society, knowledge of and pledged loyalty to the Constitution, capitalism, and democracy, with no form of preference granted, and shall deny such privilege to any applicant lacking in any one of these merits. Annual immigration and naturalization shall be limited to a number set annually by the Congress.

All persons conceived by two citizens shall possess the status of American citizen upon conception. No citizen, from conception until death, shall be deprived of equal protection of the laws, or of life, or liberty, or property without due process of any law, at any level, or any jurisdiction.

The citizens of each state, of all races, ages, and gender, shall be entitled to all dignity, respect, rights, privileges, responsibilities, and immunities of citizens of all other states of the nation.


No private property shall be taken from citizens for public use without just compensation. When any governmental agency seizes possession of a citizen’s private property for public use or indirectly by regulation that causes a depreciation in the value of the property, the injured property owner shall be compensated the full, current market value of the property, plus 20% for their loss, injury, or inconvenience.

Understanding that the human brain is not fully developed until age twenty-five, with experiences of the realities of life outside of the home and school impacting the maturation rate, all citizens, male and female, shall be granted the right to vote upon the age of twenty-four, except those citizens who attained age twenty and who have served in the military for one year.

Citizens, age twenty and older shall have the right to own and carry a registered, defensive handgun in public, except those who meet any of the following conditions-

a. Have been medically diagnosed with a classified mental or emotional condition by a licensed physician, or

b. Have been convicted of a criminal or violent crime, or

c. Have been identified with evidence as being an agent of a foreign or domestic enemy, terrorist, criminal, or violent group, or

d. Do not hold a certificate of completion of a gun safety training program.

All gun owners shall be required to complete a gun safety training program and be evaluated by a licensed physician every six years to determine their physical and mental capability of using a handgun safely. Gun owners found incapable to use a hand gun safely will be required to forfeit their guns and their permit to own a gun.

Congress recognizes that citizens are the legal owners of their personal data, and possess the full right of control over how it can be used by those individuals, corporations, or businesses they chose to freely share it with. All parties who are granted access to a citizen’s personal data are responsible for securing it from unauthorized access by others. Each citizen shall be granted the right to order their data purged from another party’s accounts within thirty days of the termination of their relationship.

Each adult, working citizen, ages fifteen and above, shall be federally taxed at the base rate of 10% of their earned income. Citizens who are married shall have their tax rate reduced by 2%, and further reduced by 0.5% per each child born to both of them.

Citizens who have demonstrated to be a financial or safety burden on society shall have their tax rate increased by 2% for one year, and reassessed annually. Citizens who have demonstrated to be a financial or safety benefit to society shall have their tax rate decreased by 2% for one year, and reassessed locally and annually. Citizens who continue to be a financial or safety burden of benefit on society, shall have their tax rates annually adjusted accordingly.

Savings and investment accounts dedicated toward the purchase of the necessities of food, medical care, education, or retirement shall be maintained, divested, and spent expressly tax-free.

Upon the death of a citizen holding property or financial accounts, their wealth and property may be transferred tax-free to their beneficiary or the eldest child.

Upon the failure of a citizen to pay at least 50% of their due federal tax shall result in their temporarily losing their citizenship status, and forfeiting their right to vote in any federal election until all of their due, unpaid tax has been paid. Failure to pay any due poll tax shall have no bearing on their right to vote.

No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. Understanding that life is the miraculous creation of God and begins at conception, birthdates of all persons shall be set at the date of conception as best determined by a licensed physician. Anyone convicted of a human abortion of a pregnancy or birth shall be sentenced the due penalty of murder, except when the life of the mother is in imminent danger of death as determined by a licensed physician, or the pregnancy is the result of non-consensual relations between two persons.

Understanding that a quality, knowledgeable, skilled, diversely educated and experienced population strengthens a nation, this is to be encouraged. Competition between schools shall be encouraged by the government, while the government shall not expressly promote any particular school or educational system. Parents shall be free to choose the place and form of their children’s education. Parents shall bear the primary responsibility for educating their children, and shall have their tax rate adjusted accordingly and temporarily for succeeding or failing in this responsibility, as determined by a standard academic examination.

Understanding the effectiveness of public humiliation on influencing human behavior, persons convicted of horrendous, violent, or perverse crimes shall have their image and name published in all available forms of media, and their full name and face shall be presented to the national public in the public stockade, being physical and/or virtual, and subject to identification and oral disgrace and humiliation by the national public. Likewise, any public or private display or expression of any symbol or name of any violent, terrorist, or criminal organization that clearly identifies or promotes its membership and shall result in the same form of punishment. If the convicted person is found to be a non-citizen, they shall be promptly returned to their country of origin. If the person is an American citizen, the person shall be imprisoned for three years and shall lose all citizenship rights until released from prison.


The purchase of all intoxicating and addictive substances shall be restricted to a single, federally established, standard serving size per 24 hours, and to persons age twenty-five or over who are clear of all criminal and mental illness records by a licensed physician. The substance sold shall be taxed at the rate of 35%. Violations of these restrictions shall result in a fine to both the selling establishment and the consumer, commensurate to the amount purchased. Upon a second conviction, the owner of the sales establishment shall lose their license to sell such substances for six months, with the term to increase to one year upon a second conviction, and shall permanently lose their license upon a third conviction. Upon a third conviction, the consumer shall forfeit all transportation rights for one year for the safety of the public and the individual.

Parents shall have sovereign liberty to direct the upbringing, education, discipline, and care of their children as a fundamental, inherent right that shall not be denied or abridged by any public or private agency. This parental right to direct their child’s education includes the right to choose the venue and form of education, and the right to make curricular, instructional, placement, and clinical choices within the selected school. Neither the United States nor any State, county, city, or local municipality shall infringe upon these rights.


Section 3 Non-Citizens Rights and Responsibilities


Residents who are not American citizens will not be entitled to the aforementioned rights, privileges, responsibilities, and immunities, but shall be entitled to the dignity and respect that all other persons are entitled by God. Persons who have resided on American soil for at least five years are are eligible to apply for citizenship, and must meet all federally established criteria to be awarded American citizenship. A national Bill of Resident and Visitor Rights and Responsibilities shall be established by December 31, 1790.

Article VI. Impeachment

The President, Vice President, Secretary of the Treasury, and all federal, state and local public officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of-

a. Mental incapacity, as determined by a panel of three independent, licensed physicians, or

b. Breach of oath, as determined by the Senate, or

c. Breach of law, as determined by the Supreme Court.

The Senate shall have the sole power of impeachment of the President, Vice President, Secretary of the Treasury, and the Supreme Court Justices. When sitting for that purpose, they shall be on sworn oath. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court shall preside. And no such person shall be convicted without the concurrence of all members. In cases of conviction by mental incapacity, judgment shall not extend further than removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States. In cases of conviction by breach of oath or law, judgment shall extend further than removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States. The person(s) convicted shall also be liable and subject to indictment, trial, judgment, and punishment, according to the current law.

Article VII. Amendments

Acknowledging that this Constitution is imperfect, and that perfection is an impossible standard to attain in this world, a means of amending the Constitution to advance ever closer toward a more perfect union is provided. 

The Congress, whenever two-thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two-thirds of the several states, shall call a Convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several states, or by Conventions in three-fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress. Upon ratification, such amendments shall be prohibited from further amendment or retraction for twenty-five years.

Article VIII. Ratification

The ratification of the Conventions of nine states, shall be sufficient for the establishment of this Constitution between the States so ratifying the same.

Attest William Jackson Secretary

Done in Convention by the unanimous consent of the states present, the seventeenth day of September, in the year of our Lord, Jesus Christ, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven, and of the independence of the United States of America, the eleven in witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names.



What you can and should do:

a. Avoid viewing divisive media for news and information. Choose high quality,  less divisive news sources such as The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, and New York Post.

b. Step out of your comfort zone and interact with people (neighbors, co-workers, church members, shoppers, fellow citizens, etc.) from different backgrounds to get to know them and build a trusting relationship with you.

c. Strive toward an independent life that is not dependent on big government or big corporations.

d. Strive to strengthen your family and promote pro-family policies.

e. Get to know your representatives on a more personal level. Discover their true character and motives.

f. When voting, do not simply vote for the candidate that will win you the most goodies, or the candidate who is most similar to yourself culturally. Vote for the candidate with the right character, qualifications, and whose policies will benefit the majority of the nation the most.

g. Get to personally know your local authority figures such as your children’s teachers, police officers, fire personnel, city council persons, school board members, etc.

h. Regularly write to your representatives about policies and practices that concern you and divide our nation. Urge them to stand for the proper position, and explain why. Be concise and to the point.

i. Pray daily for the future of a united America and its leaders.

j. Initiate a Salt & Light Council chapter in your church to promote Constitutional literacy and active citizens that will promote moral legislation and policy that conforms with Biblical truths and values.

We should also be able to discern proper government policy from improper policy.

Proper Government Policy:

  • Promotes healthy, prosperous, independent living.
  • Trusts that the people are capable of making their own decisions, when sufficiently informed
  • Empowers people, and builds their confidence in themselves.
  • Capitalizes on peoples talents.
  • Provides people with the balanced, objective information necessary for them to make wise choices
  • Allows people to make their own choices
  • Requires a small government organization and money.
  • Non-partisan
  • Sufficiently, but not excessively regulated

Improper Government Policy:

  • Promotes unhealthy living, poverty, and dependence on government.
  • Believes in the power of experts. Lacks trust in the people, and does not assume that the people are capable of making their own decisions, when sufficiently informed
  • Enslaves people and breaks their confidence in themselves
  • Wastes peoples’ talents
  • Provides insufficient, biased information that does not enable people to make the best choices.
  • Makes decisions for the people.
  • Requires a large government organization and money.
  • Partisan
  • Excessive regulation

How well do you understand the US Constitution?
Test yourself by taking this free Constitutional Quiz!

Alexander Hamilton once said, “If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything!” Where do you stand on the important issues of our times? Conservative? Liberal? Moderate? Unsure? Take this free Political Position Quiz to find out where you stand!

Do you believe the Federal government should be required by the Constitution to maintain a balanced budget? If so, the only way for this to happen is by your signing the Convention of States petition.

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